Tū Manawa

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa (Tū Manawa) is an activation fund designed to help tamariki and rangatahi, especially those who are less active, to participate in quality play, active recreation or sport. This initiative aims to provide them with opportunities of their choice within their communities, schools or kura.

Applications MUST show evidence tamariki and rangatahi want to participate in the opportunites offered. This may be through either survey results (collated), images of a whiteboard brainstorm or feedback session, videos of young people talking etc.

The most important aspect is to demonstrate you have consulted with young people and your activity aligns with their wants and needs.


Please note: The February Fast Fund is no longer accepting applications. The next funding round for applications up to $30,000 will be open July 1 - July 31, 2025.

Tū Manawa focus

Tū Manawa focuses on the barriers tamariki and rangatahi face in accessing quality play, active recreation and sports opportunities.

The fund targets those who are less active, aged 5-18 years. These groups can include:

  • Less equitable communities 
  • Asian and/or Pasifika demographic
  • Girls and young women 
  • Disabled tamariki and rangatahi.

Important information and frequently asked questions

Who can apply?

What can be funded?

How much can I apply for?

How do I know if I am eligible?

Documents and resources

Latest news & case studies