Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa (Tū Manawa) is an activation fund designed to help tamariki and rangatahi, especially those who are less active, to participate in quality play, active recreation or sport. This initiative aims to provide them with opportunities of their choice within their communities, schools or kura.
Applications MUST show evidence tamariki and rangatahi want to participate in the opportunites offered. This may be through either survey results (collated), images of a whiteboard brainstorm or feedback session, videos of young people talking etc.
The most important aspect is to demonstrate you have consulted with young people and your activity aligns with their wants and needs.
Tū Manawa focuses on the barriers tamariki and rangatahi face in accessing quality play, active recreation and sports opportunities.
The fund targets those who are less active, aged 5-18 years. These groups can include:
Examples of who can apply:
Hapū, iwi, marae, Māori organisations
Primary and intermediate schools/kura
Secondary schools/wharekura
Tertiary education/whare wānanga
Charitable trusts
Regional or local councils
Incorporated societies
For-profit businesses/commercial organisations and social enterprises
Examples of who cannot apply:
National organisations who already receive Partnership Investment from Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa
Government agencies and their regional branches (e.g. Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki)
Early learning services
Professional or semi-professional sports teams and organisations
If you want to apply but do not have legal status, we recommend you consider partnering with a qualifying (legal) entity.
• Costs of retrospective programmes or events (those already completed or held)
• Costs associated with representative teams (including uniforms, travel or accommodation), academies, professional athletes or pro sports teams
• Capital infrastructure (for example, facility development or playgrounds)
• Administration and ongoing costs (for example, rent, internet or power)
• Wages or annual salaries of existing funded staff or staff not involved in the planning or delivering of the project or programme
• Medals, prizes, giveaways and spot prizes.
Please be aware your application must be for a programme or project up to 12 months (i.e. you cannot apply for costs past a one-year delivery period).
The major funding round will be open from Tuesday, July 1 until Thursday, July 31, 2025. Following this, two Fast Fund rounds will be conducted in November 2025 and February 2026.
Sport Canterbury has a total of $1,493,613 in funds available: