A First for Canterbury!


For many years, the approach of Canterbury coaches has been well known across Aotearoa. Thanks to an outstanding Coach Developer programme, Canterbury Coach Developers sporting mentors have learned to shape their approach – focusing on “how” rather than “what” - in a way that enriches the experience of our tamariki, changing the game for generations to come.


For this reason, in 2021 our region was given the opportunity by Sport New Zealand to host the first ever 3-day Residential Coach Developer workshop in the South Island. Sixteen participants representing nine sports and two Regional Sports Trusts, from Te Waipounamu to Invercargill to Nelson, took part in our South Island three-day Residential Coach Developer Workshop in April, to extend or start to build their knowledge of a Coach Developer Approach.



According to Sport Canterbury Chief Executive Julyan Falloon, “Our tamariki rely on the approach of coaches to not only encourage but inspire; not only educate but instil self-belief, and a lifelong love of being active and participating in a wide range of activities.”


Coach Developers play a crucial role in the initial formal training of coaches as well as in the way coaches are developed, supported, and nurtured on the job. Coach Developers often work for National Sport Organisations and Regional Sport Organisations who deliver and facilitate coaching workshops and courses. The South Island Coach Developer training workshop is aligned to Sport New Zealand’s National Coach Developer content and contexts, which included the close support of individuals within small groups and the practical application of content.


In the words of 2021 Coach Developer workshop participants:


“Thank you very much for the opportunity to take part in the Coach Developer workshop last week which I enjoyed and learnt from.” Leigh Gibbs, Netball Nelson and Netball New Zealand

“The knowledge and skill I found from the CDT course, it amazing and really excited to go back and put it in action.” Teatufiti Semi Vine, Volleyball Southland and Volleyball New Zealand


“I’ve seen growth from start to finish and have gained greater confidence.” Nicole Wong, Hockey New Zealand


“The workshop had great structure to lead participants from no knowledge to confidence. Achievable expectations and pace of learning. Great atmosphere and culture for learning.” Tim Hopkins, Rowing New Zealand

“I would just like to say a massive well done to Mike for his mahi in running the three-day Coach Developer residential in Christchurch. As one of the trainers, Mike had confidence in us to deliver the Coach Developer content, and I thank him for creating a relaxing environment to enable us to do that. Thank you to Jimmy, Adam, Hugh, Sam and Brandon for their support throughout last week. We were definitely an ‘A’ Team, and this is evidence that the Sport New Zealand coach development framework does work.” Geni Tuilagi, Netball New Zealand and Sport New Zealand Trainer

“Thank you for putting together such a great learning environment over the course. Mike, your ability to be solution-focused and adaptable is world-class and a big reason as to why the course had such success. Thanks for all your support, as it was a great learning experience for me personally as well.” Jimmy Sinclair, Canterbury Rugby Football Union and Sport New Zealand Trainer


“It was great for me, in my Sport New Zealand role, to be part of the South Island Coach Developer that Mike and a Regional Trainer group ran last week. The three days aligned well to content and processes central to Sport New Zealand’s Coach Developer. Mike led well, a group of very capable trainers who were well-supported with important roles from Sammy and Brandon. Great to have the Trainer capability in Canterbury to run the course. This is a reflection of collective effort and collaboration in the region over the last few years.” Hugh Galvan, Sport New Zealand SME.