Nordic Walking Significantly Improves Health

 Green Prescription

An inspiring Ōtautahi-based wāhine has significantly improved her health and wellness through an alternative form of walking, initially developed overseas.

Gayle Freeman has utilised Nordic Walking as her main form of exercise over the last 12 months to improve her strength, fitness, and overall wellness in her pursuit to be approved for shoulder surgery.

After initially, being declined for shoulder surgery last year due to her weight, Freeman was referred to the Green Prescription service by her GP.

“I was declined from shoulder surgery as I was too overweight to be safe, according to the surgeon, who suggested that I go back to my GP to see what he advised with diet etc.

“My GP at Shirley Medical put me in touch with a Lifestyle Coach who was available through the clinic there. She was great and put me on the list to attend the Appetite for Life course that Pegasus Health promote, and I was also referred to the Green Prescription service at Sport Canterbury,” she adds.

Prior to the appointment with Green Prescription’s Healthy Lifestyle Advisor, Freeman’s Lifestyle Coach had suggested that she think of activities she would like to do to build up her fitness and strength.

“I saw a small article in a magazine about the benefits of Nordic Walking so when I met with Green Prescription’s Healthy Lifestyle Advisor, Lara, I asked her to source some information about it for me. Lara went away and found a Nordic Walking Instructor, Karen, who I was able to get in touch with.

“As I was trying to think outside of the square and also not become a stereo typical retiree, (sitting exercise on chairs) I also looked for something else to get me moving – which is where Line Dancing came in,” she adds.

Although she found that Line Dancing wasn’t for her, she has simply excelled at Nordic Walking and has had three lessons with Karen.

She has even got her neighbour into it.

“I’ve had two knee replacements, so half an hour used to be my max in terms of walking, but now with Nordic Walking training and my walking sticks, I can walk up to an hour easily, three times per week.

“Nordic Walking is a full body workout. Using the walking sticks really straightens you up, and is good for muscle toning,” she adds. 

Over the last 12 months, since being referred to Green Prescription, Gayle has lost a total of 15kg as part of her goal to receive shoulder surgery. This is mainly down to Nordic Walking, healthy eating as well as some other lifestyle changes she has made.

“I have found the addition of a Fitbit gift has been a great idea too (Lara’s idea) as it gives me a kick in the pants to get up and move around each day even if I have not been out Nordic Walking. It stops me from just sitting and doing nothing.

“Even on a rainy day inside, knitting or reading my book, it gives me a reminder to get up and move. I have mixed my housework up into doing something every day rather than doing it all in one day as I used to when I worked fulltime. Amazing how many steps you can do on the end of the vacuum cleaner or even when you are ironing,” she adds.

Lara has been super proud of Gayle’s progress and has enjoyed working with her over the last 12 months.

“She has made some awesome changes and I think this should be celebrated and shared with the wider community,” she says.

While Gayle is also thankful for Lara’s support and encouragement through the whole process, she is also keen to ensure others know about the services on offer out there.

 “Lara has been a great cheerleader for me, and I have loved having her support.

“I am keen to share my story to publicise Nordic Walking and to let people know about the help that is out there – there are really good programmes out there that combine many aspects to get your health and wellbeing back on track,” she adds. 

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Article added: Tuesday 07 June 2022