The Press Run to Remember has always honoured lives lost and affected by the Canterbury region’s earthquakes.
In 2020, the event remains a powerful reminder of what a difference getting into the outdoors and keeping active can make to our communities’ physical and mental health.
For this reason, Sport Canterbury continues to team up with Life Education Trust Canterbury, our charity partner of choice.
According to Sport Canterbury Chief Executive Julyan Falloon: “Sport Canterbury and Life Education Trust Canterbury share this commitment: To empower our tamariki to make healthy choices."
Meri Wynen from Life Education Trust Canterbury agrees.
“Our organisations help families see the value in keeping active and making healthier choices.”
Falloon’s 50 strong team has offices in Christchurch, Ashburton, Timaru and Greymouth – advocating for the value of play, physical activity and sporting participation.
In 2020, Sport Canterbury is thrilled to continue a partnership with Life Education Trust Canterbury, known for the giraffe named Harold that has all the kids talking.
“Given everything Christchurch kids have been through, together we can help build their resilience and give them strategies for wellbeing.”
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