Canterbury Sports Team Up to Top Nomination Record

 Sports Awards

Canterbury’s iconic sporting event celebrating “the best of the best” has set a new record for nominations received, with 160 names put forward across 40 different codes.

According to Sport Canterbury Chief Executive Julyan Fallon: “We are thrilled to see more sports than ever committed to celebrating achievement and dedication in their community.”

The record-setting number of nominations in 2020 reflects an increasing number of sports wishing to celebrate their athletes, coaches, administrators and officials.

It also indicates the interest more sports are taking in raising the profile of their own code, Falloon adds.

“It’s great to see sporting codes who haven’t been a part of the Awards before nominating their top athlete, not only to recognise the athlete, but to raise the profile of their sport.”

This year has seen nine new sporting codes come on board with the event and submit nominations across 12 categories to celebrate the best of the best in their sport.

American Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Dragonboating and Powerlifting are some of the codes performing on the national and international stage, and nominating athletes for the first time in the history of the event.

According to Canterbury Ultimate President Richard Fernando: “We have some really competitive talent in the Ultimate community, especially in the junior age group, with a lot of New Zealand representative honours across the board. It’s great to be able to have the wider Canterbury community see these players and administrators excelling.”

Sport Canterbury will announce finalists on 4 March at a special sponsors evening at Ngā Puna Wai, with the list shared at 5pm that that by @Sport Canterbury and @We Are Canterbury.

On the evening of 3 April, each nominee will be recognised on the night for being the best in their chosen sport. They will also receive a trophy to honour their achievements. Winners of each category on the night will then be announced, and called to the stage to receive their winner’s trophy and recognised as the best of the best.

Falloon says he is grateful for the loyalty of key sponsors who make the event possible each year. “This annual event is our region’s very special chance to celebrate as a community, the benchmark for commitment and sporting integrity that Canterbury is known for around the world.”

About the ORIX NZ Canterbury Sports Awards

The ORIX NZ Canterbury Sports Awards is an iconic celebration of the region's most outstanding sporting achievements – truly the “best of the best.”

On this occasion we recognise achievement and dedication across the region, from the grass roots to elite levels of performance.

Each year guests attend this prestigious event to acknowledge administrators, officials, coaches, teams and athletes in a very special evening of celebration. During the evening, two new Sporting Legends of Canterbury will also be inducted into the Sporting Legends of Canterbury Hall of Fame.

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